Todays society sucks! You know what, humans were always hostile in history, I mean they used to watch live executions! Today, everything is less out-in-the-open-ugly, but it can actually bite you much deeper. Everything is about politics! You have to dig and dig deep in any social media, on any platform, on cable tv, newspapers and in real life interactions with people to find something valuable, something beautiful, something that can make you feel pure pleasure without any reservations or conditions, without any side-effects. People are divided in groups more than ever, they hate each other for so many reasons, lately most popular is about the fucking virus. People are ready to tear each other apart, to openly insult you, to threaten you and call out for laws that can and will punish you in variety of ways. They are openly asking that we all should be controlled, by threat of vile punishments. It's so scary, when you open any news portal and see so much accumulated hate in everyone. There is hardly ever any voice of reason, someone who can express their opinion without being attacked for whatever reasons.
And we have so many reasons to hate each other, we hardly needed a new one, but here it is, we got it and I am sure someone is making money on that bloody fight too. Because why else create division between people? Dividing people was always about money, power and politics. I mean, what could be any legitimate reason to hate other nation, race or people of different sexual preferences (I mean, as long as it's legal and doesn't hurt anyone)? What's it to you? Why would you care? I am on only one platform now, YT, ,I ditched all other and this blog no one reads anyway, and there is so much hate, even though I am searching for stuff like "learning French", "JQuery Tutorial" (yes, I know JQuery is not "in" right now, but that's what I wanted!), music, movie reviews, short independent horror movies, comedies etc, on my timeline, I regularly get so much conservatives and openly misogynistic people, not to mention politics and hate-hate-hate to so many groups of people! You think you are smart if you hate Russian people because Hollywood says "Russia bad"? You think you are smart if you hate women for whatever reason, they don't please men anymore, they are not "servant" enough, there are rare tiny groups of women who demand something silly that no one listens or takes seriously (I run into people who find such groups and make SUCH BIG deal about it. These 3 women hate men, ergo all women hate men. Feminists bad. Right? NO! It's just another small hate group.)? You think this world is being "ruined" by LGBTQ people? Why? What does it matter to you? No one forces you to live in Russia, leave those people alone! No one forces you to date women if you hate them so much. Date men! Or better yet, don't date anyone. Why do you care what LGBTQ people do? What's it to you? Are you forced to join them?
Why do we need to be forced into anything? Why so many people want everyone to be controlled, punished, monitored? Force men into their roles, force women into their roles, force people to think and do as you think they should, or whatever media and government is telling us we must do? Like media and government never lied? Yeah, that would be the day. I cancelled myself from all people, all social media, society, and I am officially giving up news portals. I am 48 and I am so TIRED of hate around me. I am tired of permanent hatred, seriousness, political correctness, inability of people to accept different opinions without getting into violent conflicts, prejudices (oh, I received a lot of those!), inability of humans to LIVE for fucking sake, to enjoy, to create, to appreciate beauty and life! We forgot how to live, without conflicts, jealousy, fear, envy, anxiety, hatred, prejudice, sadness, violence, apathy, politics, greed... Everyway you turn there is poison. I opened a Serbian portal today and regretted it in a minute. So much hate! People, there is only 7 million of us, and the number is getting smaller. Stop hating each other! Just stop insulting people with different opinions, stop spreading misery, stop hating on everything alive! How did we get so much hate inside us? What happened? Maybe it was like that also in the '90s but no one knew because there was no internet and we had like 2 or 3 public channels on TV? But now everyone is free to spread their own hate, misery and insults because it's apparently all we have left!
I am not saying it's just Serbia, it's everywhere! People are hated for their own opinions, for nationality, for gender, for their skin color or origin, for their own life decision that are nobody else's business! People are FORCED to make decisions about their own life, their own body, their own future because society tells us so. For example, why is anyone bothered if a woman doesn't dress and made up "to please the eye", or has body modifications or is not humble housewife? What's it to you? You don't have to watch her, or marry her, no one is forcing you, it's her life! Or if you have your own opinion on how to live your own life. Whatever you want, as long as you don't hurt anyone or yourself, or ruin nature and life on Earth, is fine. This brutal society machine wants everyone to be 100% correctly made human being, and to please EVERYONE. Well, that's not possible!
So, what's left to do? I don't know. Be brave and super strong, bear it, stand up, like some people, tell your opinion and take all the insults and threats like a champ. Or if you are not brave and strong and those things make you cry and miserable, is it solution to isolate yourself as much as you can, create your own world, your own beauty and try to stay away from everything and everyone as long as you can (which is doomed to fail, trust me!)? Why do we all need to defend our opinions? Why do we need to explain to strangers why we did in life what we did? I am an introvert, why is so fucking many people offended that I won't (can't!) communicate and be friendly and happy and social which I am not? Why hate me for that? Why do you care??? How do I harm you by not being social and by being introvert? Or anything anyone does in their life, how does it harm you? Are you afraid it's gonna spread like a disease and if enough marriages divide chores and care about children equally, that will, oh-my-God SPREAD! And you, lazy butt will have to do it too? What's it to you? Leave people be! Stop asking that everyone should be controlled, that is dangerous!
Stop spreading hate! We have enough of it. You know to bake? Then bake? You know to fix things? Go fix things, bravo to you! You know or just love to paint, write, draw? Just do it! Listen to music, watch movies, series, learn languages, knit, save animals, save trees, make your own fruit or flower garden, design dresses whatever and love it! Make people happy! Stop THE HATE! It will never make anything better, it will just create more hell.
thank you for reading.