Getting older is a privilege, not everyone gets a privilege to get old, to be 80, 90 or older. Getting older while keeping decent health is even more of a privilege, even though average human life span is getting longer keeping health with age is still hard. Not everyone gets smarter with age, not everyone gets to be a better person, smarter, wiser, deserving more respect, sadly some people don't grow or learn, some just get to be worse as humans. But what about those who grew older or old, and do get wiser, smarter or just are decent people as they always were? What happens in society where older people are considered ugly, scary, non-attractive, gross, non-interesting, and just plain annoying? Where most people treat them like they should just disappear? Hide, don't talk much, don't flaunt themselves in any way, and God forbid show any trace of sexuality because, that's "gross"? Even if you are objectively not old, but not young either, you are treated like...