I have few sites I visit on regular basis. I am not much on social media. I gave up Facebook, I deleted Reddit almost immediately, I removed Twitter after just few months, I didn't even try with Youtube... I don't know how people even manage to stay on these social media sites and participate every day in so many debates, many of them toxic, meaningless and damaging.
Facebook - I wasn't ever bullied on FB honestly, but every day on my wall, there were so many opinions, most of them so negative, so unforgiving, some hateful, some just depressing, some sad... So many bad news, paranoia, so many sad, sad news, so much loneliness, so much scary things in this world. I am an empath, I just couldn't deal with that anymore. I feel like sensible and young people are bombarded with these things on FB every day, and that is scary.
Reddit - is unforgiving. I made some stupid joke, almost immediately I was "canceled", I got really rude comments and insults, straight harsh bullying, I got really upset, I wasn't malicious, but apparently I don't know some unwritten rules... I removed it. It lasted like 2 days. This sound very damaging for psyche. No one deserves to be bullied for some harmless but not very smart joke. Very damaging site.
Twitter - I posted my drawings, my thoughts, some photos, I tried... After 2 months I had 0 followers. I felt like total failure. I know that is irrational and not a real representation of my value as person or artist, but still. I experimented, I wrote risky stuff, then more risky, nothing. There is no censorship on Twitter, or no one cares. I removed it. I felt too worthless. And I am an adult, I should know better, I really should. How then young people and teenagers feel? This is so bad for young vulnerable people.
Quora - had some arguments, but nothing too bad. Actually one of the social media where I am still on. Just avoid clicking on photos that say "disturbing images" and you will be fine.
Youtube - don't comment to much, praise what you like, ignore what you don't like, if you can't handle bullying, insults and even death threats don't post your own videos (I didn't and that is fine for me). Not everyone can be an influencer and I am getting new respect for everyone who has their own channel. So much bullying in there.
Today, I posted my honest opinion on one fan related site, that seems harmful but has idiotic option to downvote what you write in comments. I got carried away with theme and posted way to personal text about me and my own feelings, and my life, and of course, I somehow managed to insult someone, like I always do. Once I insulted some women by writing that losing a person you love is worse than period pain. Haha, they attacked me like I wrote something REALLY offensive. I was downvoted so bad. Again, I am an adult, but I felt like I just want to remove my account from that stupid site forever. I am not entitled to my own opinion? Then it was an article two women fighting what is harder to be a mom or childless person with though job. I am both, but I wrote that does not bother me, I revealed I am tired people I love get sick and die, I am tired of being depressed and having some illnesses that go with age. Yes, I got too honest. And you get it, I was trashed like I wrote the single worst thing in the world. Because women who do not want children but career are now "protected" by internet, you can not say anything that would make them feel bad not even that I did not chose anything that happened to me that made me tired and they chose that stupid job. I got angry at bullying I got.
Honestly, I don't need this.
Internet is good stuff, but it's like fire. You can burn yourself. Learn languages, learn frameworks and coding, learn how to make a shawl, watch travelers who visit magnificent countries, listen to positive people, listen to people who motivate you and make you feel good. Watch sites with arts and crafts but no judgement... Take care of yourself. Avoid toxic people, avoid toxic web sites, avoid bullying from complete strangers, they don't know you, they can't judge you, you should not care anyway what some strangers think of you. But if you are mentally weak like me, just turn around and leave. There are so many good things in the world.
Love you all!
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