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Liberal or conservative

 It seems a lot of people online (probably IRL too) are dividing into two groups: leftist and conservatives. It's all usually so that one side presents the other as extreme. I doubt that is really the case. Sure, there are always extremist out there, on both sides, but I surely hope they are not in majority.

What I personally think is that the middle, as always is the best way to go. Not too far left, not too far right. I watched a lot of very liberal videos on youtube, and a lot of conservative right wing videos too, mainly from people who are objectively intelligent and have reasonable arguments. But... but still it's a bit too much on both sides. I feel the biggest issue with both sides is that that hate and mock each other. There is no tolerance on other people's preferences and no understanding on human diversity and differences. You can't make a mold for all people to fit in. That's just horribly controlling and even fascist.

Problem with extreme conservatives is that they tend to be intolerant, controlling and angry. There is so much anger in there. It's hard to be understanding of people who project so much anger and tend to have little or no understanding for someone who just doesn't want to live in the same mold. Women should be such and such, men should be such and such. And if you are not, just comply or die. That's not the way to go. Life is only one, and if you are not hurting anyone with your way of life, why is that a problem? For example, if woman wants to work and man wants to take care of children and everyone is happy, what's the problem? Why such cases make conservatives so angry? Once, I saw video where conservatives praised woman who made a whole show of how she gets up at 4am, makes breakfast for everyone, takes care of home and "her man" etc, like real Stepford wife or '50s housewife. While I have no problem with her at all, she is happy, her family is happy so go for it!!!, I have a problem with people pushing this "ideal" on literally every woman. We are not all the same. There are women married to men who are highly problematic persons and in no way anyone sane would advice such women to be completely dependent in every way from a man who is violent, psychopaths, narcissists or have drink, gambling or drug issues. There are also a vast majority of families who can not survive on one salary. Even if you can, there are sad cases when man can die and woman should surely be prepared to survive on her own. Life is unpredictable and we can not control it. Also, life is super short and you should live it the way YOU want, providing you don't hurt anyone, not the way someone dictates you should. I tried to write this, as kindly as I can, as a comment on that video and of course, almost immediately, an incel wrote me a comment full of hate and a lot of insults, trashing me as a person with a lot of hate and anger which just shows what kind of people are into this conservative things. I can not take those insults seriously, though, as obviously I wrote anonymously so that person has no idea who I am or how I look like (lucky for me!) though it didn't stop them to write how horribly ugly and unwanted I am. That is the kind of answers I get when I "dare" to comment on conservative texts or videos with my own opinion, without insulting anyone or trying to impose some "rule" or mock anyone. These people are angry, and they don't tolerate any opinion except their own. Also, God, those women! They create dozens of videos of how white men are most endangered people on Earth, and while they (those women) enjoy all the things feminism brought to them, they claim they "hate feminism" without having slightest idea what feminism is and obviously confusing it with misandry which is completely different thig. That makes ME angry! You enjoy all the privileges you get from brave feminists in the past yet you hate them? how vile and ungrateful!

So, I turned to liberals, which I thought from the start I am. I like liberalism, I like the idea that you can chose who you want to be and live your lie the way you want and not how society dictates. Life is bloody short, to why not enjoy it to the fullest? But... Well, it turned out, there are extremes in there too. Liberals like to be victims, everything is offensive, I am afraid to write anything as literally anything can be highly offensive, and that is exhausting! I can't watch out my every single word, I have social anxiety as it is, I don't need more of it. While proclaiming freedom and liberalism, in the same time, leftist started to make same amount of hard rules as conservatives and confuse chaos and desperation for attention with liberalism. Someone who wants to be recognized as horse or fairy is not a liberal, it's just a mess! While I don't care what you personally identify as, there is no doubt that if law would recognize and adopt all those genders and pronounces bureaucracy would be even more hellish that it already is. Imagine how just airports would look like if you need to process every single gender and pronounce! Or getting driver license or anything! It's just too much. Not to mention exhausting with trying to communicate with someone who gets insulted and angry (again!) every time you called them in wrong way or say something they don't really agree with or find insulting. I can't walk on eggshells all my life! Get some balls! Sorry, but not sorry. And no, children should never ever decide if they should get any surgery at all, not even a tooth, let alone non-reversible life changing surgery. It's just not ok. Also, no one wants to look at naked breasts on the streets, men's or women's. Sorry, cover it up. Not just because it's not something I want to look at, but also I really want some mystique left on woman's body to men. Not everything has to be on display. There should be a mystery, please. Don't ask for women's right to "bare breasts" because no one needs that and for God's sake, men should be intrigued by us, not everything should be available to them on the streets. They already have it all on internet. And get some class, not every woman's value is in her body. We can be smart, intelligent, created, educated, amazing, with clothes on. Our value is not in getting naked and asking strangers online to validate us. Please.

In conclusion, these two streams are just made to divide people in one more way. People are already so divided, between genders, religions, nations, political streams, etc, not we need to divide on individual life choices??? Why? So we can have more wars and hate? Because... there is not enough of it? Why the hell? Just freaking be YOU.


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