Let me get it straight: I don't believe in "masculine and feminine energy", personally I think it's BS made up so that men could put women "in their place" and make them their personal slaves without any opportunity to complain or escape or have their own opinions and interests, but, not less important, also to make men ashamed if they are not cold, harsh, strong and unemotional 24hours a day every day in life, to make them feel like crap if they "dare" to break, if they love something that's not considered "masculine", if they don't have certain interests or don't make enough money. It goes both ways and it's not good for anyone. Especially for people who do not want to fit into gender stereotypes, or LGBTQ people.
You are what you are however you dress or behave, it's still YOU. Nothing can change that. If someone doesn't like you, they don't like you and you should not change your behavior and personality or anything just to be accepted by people who don't like who you really are. It does not mean you can behave horribly or hurt anyone, of course, but you can live your life honestly, take accountability for your decisions and be you. Nothing, no social rules, roles, or bullshit "gender" energy theory can or should take that away from you. Honestly I do not believe in roles, whatever gender you are and I don't care if you identify as something that's not traditional. It's fine by me, no one is hurt by that. Social role is a prison and you have only one life, why not live it truthfully? It doesn't mean you have to be mean "girl-boss", or humble and uneducated, or living doll for your husband or miserable working full time and handling home too. It doesn't mean you have to be a male boss and "provide" and be cold warrior who never cries or be "nice guy" who hides his true feelings behind fake persona... It just means, live your life the best you can, the most you can enjoy. and try to find your person who will be supportive on your lifestyle.
I HATE with all my heart all those who are trying to tell us how we MUST behave and live based on our freaking pair of chromosomes! That's not normal, that's fascism! Whatever gender you are, however you identify, you have the right to live your one and only life the way you want to, providing you are happy and you don't hurt anyone. That's what I stand for. All the rest is just fascism and trying to forcefully fit all people in the same mold. You do you, babe, be happy and make other people, animals and other living things happy!
Problem is, that's all far cry from the world we are currently living in. Not even freaking close.
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