Recently I get a lot of videos made by plastic surgeons and various physicians in Aesthetics procedures in my youtube recommended. I am not sure how this happened but I watched a string of these videos by various medical doctors just to see what it's about. I have nothing against medical procedures that exist to make you feel better about your looks and make you feel beautiful or look younger. That is actually a great thing. If I had money, of course I would like some of these procedures on me, mostly non invasive ones because I am scared of surgeries. I can also understand these highly educated people live from these procedures and of course they will promote it. But there are differences in ways they do it. Some do it in good ways, giving advice on each procedures, warnings what not to do, recommendations of what is best for you, how to get the best results etc. Some are even fun and create creative videos that are as funny as they are informative. But there are some that kind of bothered me.
The thing that bothered me in some of these channels and videos is how these medical doctors describe "ideal beauty" or "desirable looks" which are always connected to specific features. Features that apparently we need to have in order to be beautiful or desirable. Features that are found in very young people, and not even most of them, that are purely genetics and can't last. Most of them are so grossed out by square face, strong bottom part of face and weight around lower third of face in general. That is apparently "sign of aging" and "not desirable" and has to be fixed in order to achieve "V shaped face". That "V shaped" lower jaw and tightness around jaw is something that we apparently need to strive to have. Why? So many people don't even have "V shaped" jaw, it's connected to genetic traits, nationality, race, ethnic background etc, so most of us don't have that specific trait not even in early youth, so we are ugly? We all need surgeries? Because surgeons and aestheticians need more jobs?
Look, it's fine to promote your job, you can say what you can do, what are available treatments and what is the best about each one. You can tell prices, downsides and upsides, you can tell us what are risks and what are best results. That's fine. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look prettier FOR YOU, not for anyone else or for what some surgeon thinks is pretty.
But listing preferred, very specific features, like full lips with upper lip slightly raised (to sell lip lifts and fillers), "V shaped sharp lower jaw" to sell face lifts, telling people weight around lower jaw or thin lips or hooded eyes (to promote eyebrow lift) are basically ugly just for you to have more work is just wrong. You are cashing on insecurities of people and making people feel ugly because they are not born with features you think are desirable. People can be and can feel beautiful with whatever features they have. At whatever age they are. They can be beautiful, be desirable and feel great about their looks. They can want to change something about themselves but not because you said "square jaw is ugly" or "hooded eyes are ugly" but because they want to, and it can be whatever the heck they want. Or they can simply grow old and still feel great.
No one is ugly, unless they are very ugly inside as person. No single feature is ugly. It's just fashion.
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