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Приказују се постови за мај, 2021

The society of today is crap!

Todays society sucks! You know what, humans were always hostile in history, I mean they used to watch live executions! Today, everything is less out-in-the-open-ugly, but it can actually bite you much deeper. Everything is about politics! You have to dig and dig deep in any social media, on any platform, on cable tv, newspapers and in real life interactions with people to find something valuable, something beautiful, something that can make you feel pure pleasure without any reservations or conditions, without any side-effects. People are divided in groups more than ever, they hate each other for so many reasons, lately most popular is about the fucking virus. People are ready to tear each other apart, to openly insult you, to threaten you and call out for laws that can and will punish you in variety of ways. They are openly asking that we all should be controlled, by threat of vile punishments. It's so scary, when you open any news portal and see so much accumulated hate in everyo...