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Perfect beauty

 Someone once said we were not meant to see so many faces of people as we see during last couple of decades. Thanks to social media, we are all exposed to way too many people and faces and bodies and way too exposed to seeing our own. It's probably not natural (for mental health) to see yourself every day, multiple times on social media, photos, selfies, and let your looks and you as a person be validated by strangers, by number of likes, by current beauty standards, by comparing yourself to thousands and thousands of faces and bodies you can see on hundreds of cable channels and even more social media networks, especially Instagram and TikTok.

Being woman can be really tough. Constantly being bombarded by "theories" how your worth as a person depends on your looks, age and looking expensive, and even by your acting as a person. There are multiple channels where you are taught to behave like a princess, or queen, and how to treat people, and how to treat men, and how to behave on dates, in order to be valued. There are also multiple channels were you are taught how you "should" look in order to have a value as person. Many, many, and too many young people parade on various online apps, showing their perfect bodies and faces and basically getting famous for that alone, even often turning it into business. Some of them feel entitled to give advice to other young people of how they should dress, behave, live, talk and what important life choices they should take. Now, that's a lot responsibility from a total stranger!

Beauty can sell a lot. Of course, make up, skin and hair care and fashion come to mind. But there are other things too. Beauty can sell everything, from workout routines, food, some house items, furniture, to even the whole lifestyle! When some beautiful young person presents their life it can look deceivingly perfect, because person in beautiful. That gives births to some more or less dangerous trends that are becoming popular solely because they are marketed by beauty and youth. Beauty can sell you bad things, like once almost hundred years before, that was for example, radioactive soap, or dangerous pills to get skinny, then it was cigarettes, various unrealistic lifestyle to now when it sells literally anything!

Imagine us, born 30, 40 or 50 or more years ago, looking at a person on TikTok (I don't use TikTok, ever, I am too old for that, but I get a lot of information about it from YouTube) or YouTube, person who is like 23, telling us how we "should" live to be happy. While trying to sell us things, which some less experienced in life would almost not even notice. Really?

Most of extraordinary beautiful women didn't have happy lives. Most of them didn't even have happy love lives or romances. A lot of them suffered from severe depression and had a lot of problems. Obviously, beauty is not solution for all. Society teaches us that it is, but... if anyone loves you just because you are beautiful, do they even love you? If someone loves you because you are young, do they love you? If your lifestyle has to be dictated by perfect stranger why do you think it will suit you? You are different people. I do not think beauty standards are real, they are made to SELL! To sell beauty procedures, surgeries, make up, skin care, fashion, whatever... Beauty standards are made to exploit.

And life is only one. And then it's gone. Don't waste it by chasing ghosts.


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