Horny Psycho
Sends right away messages of what would he do to you, what would you (according to him) want to do to him, all sexual, does not share almost anything about himself, does not ask anything about you, he is not even pretending to care, he does not expect any answer, if you never answer he will not care he will continue, he just wants to send sexy messages and someone, who is preferably female, to read it. He will send those messages until you block him, or ask him who is he or what does he want, in which case he will try to keep it sexual, but if you insist to know who the hell he is, he will write you that you are an idiot. Don't waste time, block him.
Just Psycho
Start as "nice guy", asks you regular things, seems interested in friendly conversation, but quickly turn into someone who sends you loads of messages every day and tries to call you multiple times, even if you never answer to any message or pick up his calls. He will not stop or give up, even if it takes months or even years. Usually, he does not send or ask for nudes, he doesn't appear to send anything sexual, but he will repeatedly try to ask you to go to hotel or weekend with him or to give him your address, and continue with some random messaging. He likely will not stop, God help you, either block him or change whatever he is texting you to, phone number, FB account, Instagram handle...
Just horny
At first he will start as nice, so you message him back. He will show interest that seem genuine in whatever you are interested in, like art, animal rights, music, whatever, and he will seem very nice. As soon as you reply thinking that someone is really interested in your art, or writing or whatever, you will get a message that he wants sex with you, really straightforward, he will ask you to meet him, tell you he is "good in bed", even give you suggestions for possible place and time. If you tell him that you are not a prostitute or tell him politely you are not interested or available for any reason, he will ignore it and continue to plead for some sex. If he is not from the same country or area, he may ask for some nudes and even offer his own. Ignore him and he will eventually give up.
Asks you straight away, in first message, who are you, where do you live, what is your job, what do you do now, what is your hobby, what is your favorite movie... likely not revealing anything about himself but expecting your full life information. Ignore him. You should not share your personal info with strangers.
No single photo of him, not much information, barely even a name (sometimes just nickname), asks you if you could be friends, and if you don't answer in like 10 minutes (because you have no idea who the hell is that), he will delete his profile.
Insecure but mean
Same as above, but if you don't answer his plead to be friends in short time, he will be pissed, tell you that you are cruel, mean, vile person and block you. Thinking probably that him blocking you will somehow hurt your feelings.
Wanting some confirmation
Wants to correspond with any woman, short messages, usually harmless, mostly non-sexual, doesn't care who you are or what do you look like as long as you tell him you are a woman, it's just time consuming as it leads nowhere. Dude just wants a bit confirmation from any woman that he is interesting. Do not waste your time.
New profile, maybe up to month or two old, 3 to 5 photos, too good looking man to be true, photos look like they are made by professional for fashion catalog or something. Usually presents as doctor, engineer or soldier or something like that, usually he is "stationed" in Asia or middle East and he is "very lonely". It doesn't seem like real human is behind this one. If you message him to see what happens you will feel like you are corresponding with AI, and likely, in some time, "he" will ask you for some money or "investment".Suffice to say, don't correspond, do not ever send or invest any money. If it's AI you can just send silly messages to see what it will respond and it could be a little fun.
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